How to Fix Aw, Snap! Error in Google Chrome?

I often encounter the "Aw, Snap!" error message in Google Chrome. What are the possible fixes?

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The Google Chrome's "Aw, Snap!" message appears whenever there's a problem loading a webpage. This issue can be caused by a variety of reasons, such as a problem with the website itself, your browser, an extension, your cache or cookies, and many more. To solve this issue, you may consider these following steps: 1. **Reload the Page:** Your very first line of action should be to reload the webpage to see if it resolves the issue as it might just be a temporary problem either on your side or the site's. 2. **Check Your Internet Connection:** Ensure you have a stable internet connection. 3. **Try the Page in Another Browser:** Try to open the problematic webpage in another browser. If it opens, then the problem is likely to be with Chrome and not the website. 4. **Update Google Chrome:** Your Chrome browser could also be out of date, which might be causing the "Aw, Snap!" error. Visit ‘chrome://settings/help’ to check for updates. 5. **Disable Extensions:** Extensions can occasionally interfere with how Chrome works. Disable all extensions one by one to figure out whether or not they're the cause of your issue. 6. **Clear Cache and Cookies:** Visit ‘chrome://settings/clearBrowserData’, ensure 'Cached images and files' and 'Cookies and other site data' are checked, and then click on 'Clear data'. 7. **Create a New Profile:** If the error persists, try creating a new user profile on Chrome. Old and corrupted user profiles can cause this error. 8. **Reset Chrome Settings:** Navigate to ‘chrome://settings’, click on ‘Advanced’, then click on ‘Reset and clean up’, and finally on ‘Restore settings to their original defaults’. 9. **Reinstall Chrome:** If all the above solutions fail, uninstalling and reinstalling Google Chrome can typically fix most issues. It's possible that your Google Chrome files have been damaged or corrupted which is causing the error. Also, occasionally, the "Aw, Snap!" error can be due to your computer running out of memory, closing unnecessary tabs, programs or apps can help alleviate that issue. Remember to back up all important data (like bookmarks and passwords) before taking drastic actions like reinstalling Chrome. If none of these work, then it might be an issue on the website's end, and you might just have to wait it out.
Answered on August 25, 2023.
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The Google Chrome "Aw, Snap!" error message is indicative of a problem with your browser not being able to load the webpage properly. Here are several steps to address this problem: 1. **Reload the web page:** Click the "reload" button located to the left of the address bar, or simply press 'F5' on your keyboard. If the error was due to a temporary issue with the site or your connection, reloading may resolve it. 2. **Check your internet connection:** Ensure that your device is connected to the internet and you're not working offline. 3. **Close other tabs, extensions, and apps:** High usage of system resources by multiple tabs, extensions or apps can lead to the "Aw, Snap!" error. By closing unused tabs and disabling extensions, you can potentially resolve this issue by freeing up system resources. 4. **Restart the browser:** Completely close out of Google Chrome (use 'Ctrl' + 'Q' for Windows or 'Command' + 'Q' for Mac), and then reopen it. 5. **Update Google Chrome:** Click on the three dots in the upper-right corner of the browser → "Help" → "About Google Chrome". This will automatically check for updates and apply them. 6. **Clear browser cache and cookies:** Click on the three dots → "More tools" → "Clear browsing data" → Choose 'All time' from the drop-down menu → Click 'Clear data'. 7. **Disable hardware acceleration:** Click on the three dots → "Settings" → "Advanced" → "System" → Toggle off "Use hardware acceleration when available". 8. **Reset to default settings:** If none of the above steps work, you can reset browser settings to their original defaults. You can do this by clicking on the three dots → "Settings" → "Advanced" → "Reset settings". Remember to back up any important data before resetting your browser. If none of these steps resolve the issue, the problem may lie with your computer, your network, or the website itself. Consider reaching out to a professional for further assistance.
Answered on September 2, 2023.
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