How to apply transitions between slides in PowerPoint?
I am creating a PowerPoint presentation and want to add transitions between slides. Can anyone guide me through this step?
Adding transitions between slides in PowerPoint can significantly improve your presentation by smoothly moving from one idea to another and adding a professional touch. Here's a step-by-step guide for adding transitions on PowerPoint:
1. **Open your presentation**: Start by opening your PowerPoint presentation. Navigate to the slide where you want to apply the transition.
2. **Select 'Transitions' in the Tab menu**: On the PowerPoint ribbon at the top of the screen, click on the 'Transitions' tab.
3. **Choose a Transition**: You'll see a variety of transition options in a gallery on the Transitions tab. They range from subtle transitions, like Fade and Push, to more flamboyant ones, such as Honeycomb and Vortex. Click the transition you want to apply to the slide. This automatically applies the transition to the currently selected slide.
4. **Customize the transition **: After you've selected a transition, you can control the speed of the transition using the "Duration" function on the Transitions tab. You can also choose to apply the same transition to all slides using the "Apply to All" function.
5. **Preview the Transition**: You can click "Preview" to see what the transition will look like.
6. **Save your work**: Finally, save your work. PowerPoint does not autosave, so ensure you save before exiting.
Remember, transitions should enhance your presentation, not become the main focus. Too many different flashy transitions can distract your audience from your main points. It's usually a good idea to stick with one or two transition types per presentation.
For evergreen learning: This steps are based on Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 and Office 365 versions as of the time this response was written, and the steps may slightly vary with future updates or different versions of PowerPoint.