Git can’t switch to remote branch

How do I do that?

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When you're trying to switch to a remote branch in Git, it's important to first understand that you can't directly checkout a remote branch. You have to create a local branch that tracks the remote branch. Here's how you'd do it: 1. First, fetch all the remote branches for the repository you are in. Run the following command in your terminal: ```bash git fetch ``` 2. After fetching, you can see the remote branches by running the following command: ```bash git branch -r ``` This will show a list of all remote branches. 3. Now, if you want to checkout to a specific remote branch, you need to create a local branch that tracks the remote branch like so: ```bash git checkout -b [local-branch-name] [name-of-remote]/[branch-name] ``` For example, if remote branch's name is 'foo' on 'origin', you can do: ```bash git checkout -b foo origin/foo ``` Now, you are on a local branch 'foo' which is tracking the remote branch 'foo' from 'origin'. 4. If you want to ensure everything is set up right, use the following command: ```bash git branch -vv ``` This should show your current branches and what each is tracking. Remember this only sets up a tracking branch, any future pulls and pushes from this branch will interact with its remote counterpart. If you want to switch around between multiple remote branches, you'll need to create a local tracking branch for each one. But if you always want to work on a branch and push it to the remote, this is a one-time setup for each branch. I hope this insight helps not only to resolve the current issue but also gives a proper understanding of branch handling in Git. For any further queries, feel free to ask!
Answered on August 24, 2023.
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