Converting a Microsoft Word document to PDF file format

I have a document created in Microsoft Word that I need to share as a PDF file. How can I convert my Word document to a PDF?

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"Converting a Microsoft Word document to a PDF is simple, whether you're using a Windows or a macOS platform. **Here's how to do it on Windows:** 1. Open your document in Microsoft Word. 2. Click the `File` menu at the top left corner of the screen. 3. From the dropdown, select `Save As`. This will prompt you to choose a location for the new file. 4. In the `Save As` window, look for the `Save as type` option, which is usually just below the box where you type the file name. 5. Click on the dropdown menu, and select PDF (*.pdf). 6. Click `Save`. Your Word document will be saved in the location you specified, as a PDF file. **For macOS users:** 1. Open your document in Microsoft Word. 2. Click on the `File` menu at the top of your screen. 3. From the dropdown, select `Save As`. Again, you will be prompted to choose a location. 4. Look for the `File Format` option at the bottom of the `Save As` window. 5. Click on the dropdown menu, and select PDF. 6. Click `Save`, and your Word document will be saved as a PDF file. There are also online tools available (like Adobe's online converter, Smallpdf, or ILovePDF) that allow you to upload a Word document and convert it to PDF. However, be cautious about sharing sensitive information with online tools, as they might not be 100% secure. Remember, converting your Word document to a PDF will lock the formatting, making it easier for others to view your document as intended, across multiple platforms and devices."
Answered on August 25, 2023.
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