Best practices for error handling in Python
I want to ensure my Python code is robust and handles errors effectively. What are some best practices for error and exception handling in Python?
For effective error and exception handling in Python, consider the following practices:
1. Use Try/Except Blocks: Fundamental in Python, they allow you to catch potential errors and exceptions, handling them in ways you define.
except Exception as e:
Avoid bare exceptions which catch all types of errors, as it can make debugging harder.
2. Specific Exceptions: Catch exceptions as specific as possible. It’s always better to catch the exact exception you are looking for.
except IOError as e:
3. Use The 'Else' Clause: 'Else' Clause in try/except block will only run if no exception was raised in the try block. It’s a good place to put code which depends on the success of the try block.
4. 'Finally' For Clean-Up: Placing clean-up code in a finally block is a good practice. It's always executed whether an exception occurred or not.
5. Exception Propagation: Allow exceptions to propagate up when they can’t be handled at the current level.
6. Logging: Logging exceptions can help to track errors and debug easily. You may use the built-in Python logging module.
7. Custom Exceptions: In some cases, you might want to define your own exception types. This can increase code clarity and robustness.
These are some of the practices, but depending on the context of your code it might change. Always test your exceptions thoroughly in your unit tests. Remember, exception handling should focus more on handling the exception rather than suppressing it.