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  • Asked on August 20, 2023 in uncategorized.

    The term "afterburner effect" in sports and weight loss is also known as Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC). This process refers to the body's increased rate of oxygen intake following strenuous activity. Essentially, your body uses more energy to return to its resting state and that burns more calories after exercise, even while you're not actively exercising.

    The afterburner effect happens due to the body's physiological responses like replenishing oxygen storage, repairing muscle proteins, and removing lactic acid, among other things. The intensity and duration of the exercise can determine the extent of this effect. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is believed to generate a significant afterburner effect.

    While beneficial for weight-loss and fitness goals, it's crucial to engage in these activities responsibly and under expert supervision to prevent injuries or overexertion.

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  • Asked on August 19, 2023 in uncategorized.

    Bitconnect was a high-yield cryptocurrency investment Ponzi scheme that collapsed in 2018, with millions of dollars left unreturned to investors. The promoters fled, however, multiple legal actions have been taken since then. While several remain at large, a few key figures have been apprehended:

    1. Divyesh Darji, the head of Bitconnect in India, was arrested in August 2018 by the Gujarat CID.

    2. In January 2019, the FBI arrested Bitconnect promoter, Trevon James after ongoing investigations.

    3. The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) banned John Louis Anthony Bigatton, a Bitconnect promoter, from providing financial services for seven years.

    Not all Bitconnect scammers have been caught and punished, and many victims are still dealing with their losses. International law enforcement agencies are still investigating the case due to its global reach. The Bitconnect case stood as a stark reminder for investors to exercise caution and conduct extensive research before investing in new cryptocurrencies or platforms.

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  • Asked on August 19, 2023 in uncategorized.

    OneCoin was indeed a notorious cryptocurrency scam that rocked the crypto world. Ruja Ignatova, who was the founder, disappeared in 2017 and remains at large. However, her brother, Konstantin Ignatov was arrested in March 2019 and after pleading guilty to several charges, gave substantial assistance to authorities. He agreed to testify against his sister.

    As for the rest of the involved parties, two high-ranking OneCoin associates, Mark Scott and Sebastian Greenwood, were arrested in 2018 and 2020 respectively. Scott was found guilty of laundering almost $400 million on behalf of Ignatova and was sentenced to 50 years in prison. Greenwood's case is still pending in the US courts.

    Many other countries like China, India, and Italy, to name but a few, have also carried out arrests and charged several individuals associated with OneCoin. Despite these law enforcement actions, some OneCoin activities continue, largely in Africa and Asia. Therefore, whilst some of the scammers have been caught and prosecuted, other chapters of the OneCoin case remain open.

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  • Asked on August 19, 2023 in uncategorized.

    The error you’re experiencing usually occurs when the required spaCy English language model isn't installed.

    `en_core_web_sm` is a small English model trained on web text from spaCy, another popular Natural Language Processing (NLP) framework that NLTK often works together with. The error suggests that Python's spaCy module is looking for this language model and not finding it in your environment.

    To resolve this issue, you can install the missing model by using the following pip command:

    !python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
    Run this in your preferred IDE or in your terminal/command prompt.

    Once the language model is downloaded and installed, you should be able to load it through spaCy as follows:

    import spacy
    nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
    Remember to restart your Python environment after the download if you're running this in a Jupyter notebook.

    When programming in the domain of NLP using NLTK or spaCy, it's essential to ensure you have installed all the necessary language models. These models have trained data that the libraries use to perform various tasks such as tokenization, lemmatization, part of speech tagging, etc. Each of these tasks contributes towards understanding and processing the semantics of the text.

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  • Asked on August 19, 2023 in uncategorized.

    The error you're encountering is because the Mean Squared Error (MSE) loss in PyTorch doesn't work with torch.LongTensor, which is used for integer types. Instead, you should be using torch.FloatTensor or torch.DoubleTensor, which are for floating point numbers.

    Here's a short example of how to avoid this error:

    target = target.float() # Ensure target tensor is float
    output = model(input)
    criterion = nn.MSELoss()
    loss = criterion(output, target)

    In this case we convert the target tensor to a float tensor before the loss is calculated.

    It's important to always be mindful of the tensor types you're working with, especially when it comes to loss calculations in PyTorch. Different operations and functions require different types, and trying to use the wrong one will result in errors like this.

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  • Asked on August 17, 2023 in uncategorized.

    Yes, J. Robert Oppenheimer, often referred to as the "father of the atomic bomb," is known to have expressed significant regret over his role in developing nuclear weapons. His regret was chronicled in his famous quoting from the Bhagavad Gita after the first successful test of the atomic bomb in 1945: "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." In later life, Oppenheimer became a proponent of arms control and opposed the development of the hydrogen bomb.

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  • Asked on August 17, 2023 in uncategorized.

    The secret lab you're referring to is known as Project Y, part of the Manhattan Project that produced the first atomic bombs during World War II. Project Y was located in Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA. The Los Alamos National Laboratory, as it's now known, continues to be a center for research in a diverse range of scientific disciplines. Remarkable figures like Robert Oppenheimer, Richard Feynman, and many other world-class scientists were part of this critical project in history.

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  • Asked on August 16, 2023 in uncategorized.

    Yes, Terraria and Minecraft share fundamental similarities as they both belong to the sandbox genre of games. They offer players an open world to explore and interact with, allowing for resource gathering, crafting, and construction. Both have monsters, survival elements, and a day-night cycle.

    However, their gameplay experiences and visual styles are quite different. Minecraft is 3D and its world is fully destructible/rebuildable, enabling players to construct complex structures in a 3-dimensional space. Terraria, on the other hand, is a 2D game with a greater focus on exploration and combat, including a robust weapons and armor system, NPCs, and boss fights. Its crafting and building aspects are more streamlined than Minecraft's.

    Fundamentally, both games provide unique experiences and cater to different play styles within the sandbox genre.

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  • Asked on August 16, 2023 in uncategorized.

    You can skip the first n lines of a file in Unix-like systems using the `tail` command combined with the `-n` option.

    Suppose you want to skip the first 5 lines, you'd do:

    tail -n +6 filename

    The `+6` means start output at the 6th line of the file (hence skipping the first 5).

    Remember, `tail`, by default, prints the last 10 lines, so using `-n +6` tells it to start at line 6, thus showing everything from line 6 onwards.

    Here `filename` is the name of your text file. Replace it with your actual file name. This command displays all lines starting from the 6th line. To save the result use shell redirection:

    tail -n +6 filename > newfile

    Here `newfile` is the name of the new file where you will save the result.

    Again, this kind of command is common in Unix or Unix-like system. For a different OS, you might need a different command or tool.

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  • Asked on August 16, 2023 in uncategorized.

    No, a DELTA (Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certificate and a BA (Bachelor of Arts) degree are not considered at the same level.

    A DELTA certificate is considered to be a professional English language teaching qualification, and is one level below a Master's degree on the UK's National Qualifications Framework (NQF). On the other hand, a BA degree is an undergraduate academic degree awarded for a course or program usually in the arts and social sciences.

    They have different purposes and targets: A BA degree is usually broader and provides a wider scope of knowledge, while a DELTA certificate is more specific, focusing on teaching English to speakers of other languages. It essentially depends on what the individual is looking to achieve.

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