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  • Asked on November 21, 2023 in uncategorized.

    Indeed, a few actors from the original Broadway cast of "Grease" got the chance to reprise their roles or take on new ones in the 1978 film adaptation. Notably:

    1. **John Travolta** played Doody in the stage version of "Grease" but is more famously known for his portrayal of the lead character, Danny Zuko, in the film.

    2. **Jeff Conaway** originally played the supporting role of Danny Zuko on Broadway but landed the role of Kenickie in the film version.

    3. **Barry Pearl**, who played Doody in the film, actually got his start with "Grease" in the Broadway production, though not in one of the lead roles.

    It's worth noting that the film adaptation did make several changes and chose to recast most of the parts, bringing in well-known film actors like Olivia Newton-John as Sandy and Stockard Channing as Rizzo, who were not part of the Broadway cast.

    The movie's focus was more towards a wider audience, and though it took creative liberties, it successfully captured the essence of the 1950s high school experience, blending that with catchy tunes and dance numbers that have since become iconic. The differences between the Broadway and film cast highlight the adaptation process from stage to film, where considerations such as star power, screen presence, and chemistry with co-stars can influence casting decisions.

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  • Asked on November 21, 2023 in uncategorized.

    The "Grease" film, released in 1978, is an adaptation of the 1971 stage musical of the same name. The musical was originally created by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey. While the film remains faithful to the musical in many respects, several notable differences exist in the transition from stage to screen:

    **Plot Changes:**
    1. The film's ending is more positive. In the stage version, the future of Danny and Sandy's relationship is left more ambiguous, whereas the film opts for a definitive happy ending.
    2. Sandy's background is altered. In the musical, Sandy is an all-American girl, whereas in the film she is changed to Sandy Olsson, an Australian who moves to America.

    **Musical Numbers:**
    1. The film includes four new songs not found in the original stage musical: "Grease" (the opening theme by Frankie Valli), "Hopelessly Devoted to You," "Sandy," and "You're the One That I Want." These songs became iconic and are heavily associated with the "Grease" franchise.
    2. Some songs from the stage musical were excluded from the film, such as "Alone at a Drive-In Movie" which was replaced with "Sandy," and others like "It's Raining on Prom Night" and "All Choked Up."
    3. The song placement sometimes differs. For example, "Grease Lightning" is performed by Danny in the film but by Kenickie in the stage production.
    4. The arrangements and stylistic presentation of some songs are distinctly more '70s in the film, reflecting the popular musical trends of the era in which the movie was produced, rather than the '50s rock and roll style that is more prevalent in the stage version.

    **Character Development:**
    1. The film focuses more on the romantic relationship between Sandy and Danny, while the stage musical features the ensemble cast more evenly.
    2. The roles of certain characters are expanded in the film, such as the Teen Angel who sings "Beauty School Dropout," and characters like Frenchy and Rizzo have more screen time and development.
    3. Some characters from the stage version are absent or have their roles and traits combined or altered for the film adaptation. For instance, the character of Patty Simcox has a much reduced role, and Cha-Cha DiGregorio takes on aspects of another character from the musical, Cha-Cha DiGregorio.

    **Casting and Performances:**
    1. The casting of John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John added a Hollywood star quality to the lead roles of Danny and Sandy, and their chemistry is a significant part of the film's appeal and iconic status.
    2. The ages of the performers are also notable; while the stage musical often casts actors closer to the actual age of high school students, the film features actors who are noticeably older.

    **Technical and Aesthetic Choices:**
    1. The film capitalizes on the visual opportunities of the medium, offering detailed period costumes and sets, and employing fast-paced editing and camera work that differentiates it from the static stage setting.
    2. Dance sequences in the film are choreographed to make use of the cinematic space, often larger and more elaborate than those on stage.

    **Cultural Impact:**
    1. While both the stage musical and the film were popular, the film's reach was global, and its impact on popular culture was more profound, largely due to the distribution power of the movie industry.
    2. The film adaptation's addition of new songs also contributed significantly to its legacy, with songs like "You're the One That I Want" becoming international hits.

    Both the film and the musical have their unique charm and have contributed to the lasting legacy of "Grease." The film's adjustments made it accessible and memorable to a wider audience, ensuring its status as a classic in the decades following its release.

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  • Asked on November 21, 2023 in uncategorized.

    The soundtrack of "Grease" from the 1978 film of the same name had a profound and lasting impact on popular culture, resonating across various facets such as music, fashion, dance, and language.

    **Musical Influence:**
    Upon its release, the "Grease" soundtrack became a commercial juggernaut, shaping the music landscape of the late '70s and beyond. Featuring hits like "You're the One That I Want," "Summer Nights," and "Greased Lightnin'," the soundtrack blended rock 'n' roll nostalgia with contemporary pop elements, introducing the upbeat and catchy sounds of the '50s to a new generation. Its success can be gauged by its high chart positions, with several singles reaching the top of the Billboard and international charts.

    The music from "Grease" also brought about a resurgence of interest in the doo-wop style and '50s rock, influencing artists and groups who began to incorporate similar retro elements into their own music.

    **Fashion Trends:**
    "Grease" set off a wave of '50s revival fashion, with young people emulating the looks of the characters. High school and youth culture saw a renaissance of letterman jackets, poodle skirts, cat-eye glasses, and saddle shoes. The “T-Birds” and “Pink Ladies” jackets worn by the film's gangs became iconic symbols, sparking a trend in customized outerwear. The tight pants and off-the-shoulder top that Olivia Newton-John's character, Sandy, wears in the finale also became a notable style moment, mimicked by fans and fashion enthusiasts.

    **Dance Moves:**
    The choreography featured in "Grease" sparked new interest in vintage dance styles of the 1950s, such as the hand jive and swing dancing. The film's dance scenes celebrated the energy and enthusiasm of the era, inspiring a revival in social dance classes and '50s-themed parties and events where these dance styles were enthusiastically adopted.

    **Language and Catchphrases:**
    Dialogue and lyrics from "Grease" permeated the vernacular. Phrases like "tell me about it, stud," "greased lightnin'," and referring to someone as a "T-Bird" or a "Pink Lady" gained traction outside of the film's context. The vivacious and exaggerated teenage-slang from the era found a place in the modern lexicon, often with a nod to the film's cultural cachet.

    Moreover, "Grease" has maintained its influence through stage productions, sing-along screenings, and its continued presence on television and streaming services, ensuring that its legacy endures. It serves as a touchstone for nostalgia and an example of how a film soundtrack can transcend its origins to become a cornerstone of pop culture.

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  • Asked on November 21, 2023 in uncategorized.

    To fly with an Elytra in Minecraft, follow these steps:

    1. **Find an Elytra**: Elytras can be found in the End dimension, more specifically in an End City. Look for a floating ship (End Ship) near the city and you will find the Elytra hanging in an item frame inside the ship.

    2. **Equip the Elytra**: Place the Elytra in your character's chestplate armor slot through your inventory screen.

    3. **Get to a High Altitude**: To start flying, you need to start from a high place. This can be anything from a mountain, a tall structure you built, or you can use ender pearls or a water bucket to get up a tower.

    4. **Jump and Activate Glide**: Run off the edge and quickly press the jump button again (spacebar on PC, 'X' on PS, 'A' on Xbox, or the jump button on other devices). Your character will spread their arms, and the Elytra will activate.

    5. **Control Your Flight**: Look upwards to gain altitude (but know that this slows you down) and downwards to gain speed but lose height. Use the left stick (or mouse on PC) to steer in the direction you wish to go.

    6. **To Land Safely**: Glide downward and as you approach the ground, aim your character's line of sight slightly upward to level out and slow down your glide, allowing you to land gently.

    **Tips for Advanced Elytra Use:**

    - **Firework Rockets**: Use firework rockets by holding them in your hand and using them while flying to boost yourself through the air.

    - **Enchantments**: Apply the Unbreaking and Mending enchantments to your Elytra via an anvil and enchanted books to make them last longer. The Unbreaking enchantment gives a chance for the durability to not decrease, while Mending uses your collected experience points to repair your Elytra.

    - **Third-Person View**: Some players find it easier to navigate while using Elytra by changing the camera to third-person view.

    - **Practice**: It might take a bit of practice to master the use of Elytra, especially when it comes to precise landings and using firework rockets to boost your flight time.

    Remember that Elytras have durability and can break, so keeping an eye on their condition and repairing them using phantom membranes or combining damaged Elytras on an anvil is essential to ensure that you don't suddenly lose the ability to glide mid-flight.

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  • Asked on November 21, 2023 in uncategorized.

    In Kotlin, to achieve functionality equivalent to Python's `str.split(".")[0]`, you can use the `split` function along with the `first` function or indexing. The `split` function in Kotlin also takes a delimiter and splits a string into a list of strings, similar to Python's `split`.

    Here are a couple of ways to split a string by a period and get the first element:

    Using `split` and `first`:
    val result = myString.split(".")[0]
    // OR
    val result = myString.split(".").first()

    Using `substringBefore`:
    val result = myString.substringBefore(".")

    Here's an example with both methods in action:
    fun main() {
    val myString = ""

    // Method 1: Using split and indexing
    val result1 = myString.split(".")[0]
    println(result1) // Output: example

    // Method 2: Using split and first
    val result2 = myString.split(".").first()
    println(result2) // Output: example

    // Method 3: Using substringBefore
    val result3 = myString.substringBefore(".")
    println(result3) // Output: example

    The `substringBefore` method is more concise and directly expresses the intent of getting the substring before the first occurrence of the delimiter, so it could be considered more idiomatic in Kotlin for this particular case.

    Remember that if the string does not contain the delimiter and you use `substringBefore`, you'll get the original string as the result. On the other hand, if you use `split`, you'll also get a list with the original string as its only item, and accessing the first element `[0]` will return the full string as well.

    Choose the method that best fits the context and readability preferences for your code.

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  • Asked on November 21, 2023 in uncategorized.

    WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission has indeed been deprecated starting from Android 11 (API level 30), and the situation is even more restrictive with Android 13 (API level 33), where it's no longer available.

    If you need to save files that should be accessible by other apps or after your app is uninstalled, you must use the MediaStore API or the Storage Access Framework (SAF). Here's how you can use the MediaStore to save images, for example:

    1. **Request permission to write** - On Android 10 (API level 29) and lower, you still need to request `WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE` permission for access to shared storage. However, starting from Android 11 (API level 30), you should use `MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE` permission to request broader access to external storage if your use case necessitates it. Be cautious with this permission as it gives you access to the entire external storage and can only be used if your app requires such access and cannot function properly without it. Google Play restricts the apps that can request this permission, so you should check if your use case is compliant with their policy.

    2. **Use MediaStore API** - for images, videos, and audio files across all Android versions. Here's an example of how to insert an image into the `MediaStore.Images` collection:

    ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
    values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.DISPLAY_NAME, "myImage.jpg"); // The name of the file
    values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.MIME_TYPE, "image/jpeg"); // The MIME type of the file
    values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.RELATIVE_PATH, Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES + "/MyApp"); // The relative path

    // For API level 29 and above
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) {
    values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.IS_PENDING, 1);

    Uri collection = MediaStore.Images.Media.getContentUri(MediaStore.VOLUME_EXTERNAL_PRIMARY);
    Uri fileUri = context.getContentResolver().insert(collection, values);

    try (OutputStream stream = context.getContentResolver().openOutputStream(fileUri)) {
    // Write data into the pending image file
    } catch (IOException e) {
    context.getContentResolver().delete(fileUri, null, null);

    // After writing, if you're using API level 29 and above:
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) {
    values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.IS_PENDING, 0);
    context.getContentResolver().update(fileUri, values, null, null);

    3. **Use the Storage Access Framework (SAF)** - when you want to allow the user to select files or directories through a system file picker. This doesn't require any permissions to be declared in your app's manifest.

    Keep these in mind when altering your app's storage behavior to support Android 13+:

    - **Understand Scoped Storage**: With Android 10 and upward, Scoped Storage is the norm. This means your app gets a 'private' directory where you can read/write without any permissions. No external app can access data located in another app's scoped area.

    - **Legacy Flag**: For apps that target Android 9 (API level 28) or lower, adding `android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true"` to the manifest's `` tag allows the app to temporarily opt-out of scoped storage and use the old storage model. However, this is not a long-term solution, as this flag is ignored starting from Android 11.

    - **Testing**: Make sure you test your changes on different Android versions especially if your app supports a wide range of devices. This will help ensure compatibility and a smooth user experience.

    Remember, accessing shared or external storage is a sensitive topic due to privacy concerns, and many changes have been introduced in recent Android versions to ensure user data security. Always consult the official Android documentation when implementing these features.

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  • Asked on November 21, 2023 in uncategorized.

    Yes, you are correct. An Android application package (APK) must be signed before it can be installed on an Android device. The signing process adds a cryptographic signature to the APK file, which verifies that the file has not been tampered with and comes from a legitimate source. This is a necessary security measure enforced by the Android operating system.

    The `app-release-unsigned.apk` file you have is an unsigned version of an application and cannot be directly installed. Here are the steps you typically need to follow to sign an APK:

    **Manual Signing with jarsigner:**

    1. Generate a keystore (if you don't already have one) using the `keytool` that comes with the JDK:

    keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

    This command asks for some information, like organizational details and a password. Remember to keep the keystore file and the passwords secure, as you will need them for future app updates.

    2. Sign the APK with the `jarsigner` tool:

    jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore app-release-unsigned.apk alias_name

    Replace `my-release-key.keystore` with the path to your actual keystore file, `app-release-unsigned.apk` with the path to your APK, and `alias_name` with your keystore alias.

    3. If you're targeting Android 7.0 (API level 24) or higher, you should also use the `apksigner` tool (which provides stronger protection against unauthorized alterations to the APK) to sign the APK instead of `jarsigner` or after using `jarsigner`. Here's how:

    apksigner sign --ks my-release-key.keystore --ks-key-alias alias_name app-release-unsigned.apk

    You'll be prompted for the keystore and key passwords.

    4. Once signed, you should align the APK with the `zipalign` tool to ensure that all uncompressed data starts with a particular byte alignment, which reduces the amount of RAM consumed by an app:

    zipalign -v 4 app-release-unsigned.apk app-release-signed.apk

    This creates a new APK file, `app-release-signed.apk`, which is now ready for installation.

    **Automated Signing with Android Studio:**

    If you are using Android Studio, it automates the signing process for you when you generate a signed APK. To do this:

    1. Click on Build > Generate Signed Bundle / APK.
    2. Follow the prompts to create a new keystore (if necessary), select your keystore and enter its password, and fill in key details.
    3. Choose the build type and APK destination.

    **Installing the Signed APK:**

    After you have your signed `app-release-signed.apk`, you can install it on your device. You can either:

    - Transfer it to your device and install it through a file manager app.
    - Install it via ADB with the following command:

    adb install path_to_your_app-release-signed.apk

    Remember that for an APK to be installed on a non-development device (i.e., user devices), the APK should be signed with the release key, not the debug key, and the release key keystore should be kept in a safe place since you will need it for future updates of your app.

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  • Asked on November 21, 2023 in uncategorized.

    Yes, there are several alternatives to LeetCode that cater to different aspects of coding practice and learning, and some of them are free or offer more affordable options. Codeforces is indeed one of the free platforms that focus on competitive programming and hosts contests, but it's not the only one. Below are a few reputable platforms where you can practice coding, participate in challenges, and improve your skills, often at a lower cost than LeetCode:

    1. **Codeforces**: It's free to use and provides a wide range of problems of varying difficulty. Codeforces is particularly popular among competitive programmers, and it also allows users to compete in real-time contests.

    2. **HackerRank**: Offers a large collection of challenges in different domains such as algorithms, mathematics, SQL, functional programming, AI, and more. It is free to solve problems, and you only need to pay if you want access to premium content or practices.

    3. **CodeChef**: A non-profit competitive programming website that offers a multitude of challenges. You can write and submit solutions in their online editor for free, and participate in online contests that range from beginner to advanced levels.

    4. **Exercism**: A free, open-source platform that provides coding exercises in various programming languages. It helps in improving coding skills with the help of mentoring by experienced volunteers.

    5. **Edabit**: Offers a way to improve coding skills with interactive challenges. It has a free tier with plenty of challenges, and it offers a very affordable premium version.

    6. **LeetCode Explore**: LeetCode has a section called "Explore," which provides a structured learning path and is free of charge.

    7. **Project Euler**: A series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that can be solved through more efficient coding and mathematical understanding. It's free and is very useful for someone looking to enhance their problem-solving skills.

    8. **Spoj**: It is an online judge system that provides a vast collection of problems to practice online and you can submit your solution in a language of your choice. It is mostly free to use.

    9. **Coderbyte**: Offers a mix of free and paid challenges and tutorials to help you prepare for coding interviews. The paid membership provides additional resources and challenges.

    Each platform has its own strengths and communities. Some focus more on job interview preparation (like LeetCode), while others are geared towards competitive programming. It's a good idea to explore several platforms to find which one aligns best with your learning style and goals.

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  • Asked on November 21, 2023 in uncategorized.

    To install Steam on a Linux system, you can follow the steps below. Keep in mind that the exact commands might differ slightly depending on your specific Linux distribution.

    ### For Ubuntu and derivatives (such as Linux Mint, Pop!_OS, etc.):

    1. **Enable Multiverse Repository:**

    Open the terminal and enter the following command to ensure the multiverse repository is enabled:

    sudo add-apt-repository multiverse

    Then, update your package list:

    sudo apt update

    2. **Install Steam:**

    Use the following command to install Steam:

    sudo apt install steam

    Alternatively, you can install Steam from the Software Center, by searching for Steam and clicking on the installation button.

    3. **Launch Steam:**

    Once installed, you can start Steam:

    - By clicking its icon on your desktop environment.
    - Or by typing `steam` in the terminal.

    Upon first launch, Steam will update itself to the latest version.

    ### For Fedora:

    1. **Enable RPM Fusion Repositories:**

    Execute the following commands to enable the RPM Fusion repositories:

    sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
    sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

    2. **Install Steam:**

    With the RPM Fusion repository enabled, you can install Steam with:

    sudo dnf install steam

    3. **Launch Steam:**

    You can start Steam from your application menu or by running `steam` in the terminal.

    ### For Arch Linux and derivatives (such as Manjaro):

    1. **Install Steam:**

    Use the following command to install Steam:

    sudo pacman -S steam

    2. **Launch Steam:**

    You can find Steam in your application menu or start it by running `steam` in the terminal.

    ### For other distributions:

    If you're using a different distribution, the procedure is similar: look for Steam in your distribution's package manager and install it. If it's not available, you may need to add an appropriate repository or download the Steam installation package from the Steam website.

    Finally, keep in mind that running Steam on Linux does mean you'll be limited to playing games that support Linux. Nevertheless, thanks to Steam's Proton, a compatibility layer that allows you to run Windows games on Linux, the number of games accessible on Linux has substantially increased.

    Remember to keep your system updated to ensure compatibility with the latest games and Steam features. Enjoy your gaming on Linux!

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  • Asked on November 20, 2023 in uncategorized.

    As of my last update in early 2023, Valve, the developer of the Portal series, has not announced a Portal 3. Thus, any answer to this question would be purely speculative. However, I can offer insights based on the existing Portal games and common patterns in sequel development that could help fuel your imagination about what Portal 3 could entail if it were to be created.

    The first two Portal games are renowned for their innovative gameplay, which combines first-person action with puzzle-solving elements via a unique device that creates portals for traversing space in complex ways. The series is also known for its engaging storyline, dark humor, and the iconic character GLaDOS.

    Considering these factors, Portal 3 would likely continue with the same core gameplay mechanics of using portal guns to solve puzzles. But to appeal to returning fans and new players, it would also need to introduce new elements, such as:

    1. **Advanced Portal Mechanics**: New types of portals or ways to manipulate them could provide a fresh gameplay experience. This might include portals with properties like time manipulation, or ones that affect the physics of objects passing through them differently.

    2. **Expanded Environment**: While the original games were mostly confined to the Aperture Science laboratories, Portal 3 might expand the game's universe to outdoor locations or entirely different settings within the Aperture facility.

    3. **Deeper Story and Character Development**: The series could delve deeper into the backstories of characters like Chell, the protagonist, or bring in new characters with their own story arcs. It could also explore more of the Aperture Science history and the fate of other characters, such as the scientists and employees.

    4. **Co-op Gameplay Enhancements**: Given the success of the cooperative mode in Portal 2, Portal 3 could expand on this, improving the co-op experience or introducing competitive multiplayer modes.

    5. **Community Content**: Valve has a history of supporting community-generated content. Portal 3 could include more robust tools for players to create and share their own puzzles and mods, which would extend the longevity of the game.

    Remember, the game design and narrative possibilities are almost endless, and Valve has the opportunity to innovate in any number of directions. Should Valve decide to make Portal 3, it would likely be with the intention of both living up to and surpassing the high standards set by its predecessors. Until then, any guesses about Portal 3's content remain in the realm of fan theories and hopeful wishes.

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