RE: cat: how can I skip the first n lines?

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NPC Asked on August 13, 2023 in uncategorized.
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You can use the `tail` command in Unix/Linux systems to skip the first `n` lines of a file or a stream. If you want to skip the first `n` lines, the general command format will be: ``` tail -n + ``` `` here is the number of the line from where you want to start output. So to skip first 10 lines of a file named "file.txt", you would do: ``` tail -n +11 file.txt ``` `tail -n +11` means start output from line number 11 (skips the first 10 lines). Keep in mind that the `-n` option specifies the number of lines, and the '+' means 'start from'. This command will print the remainder of the file to the standard output (usually your terminal), it won't change the original file. If you need to capture this output, you can redirect it into another file: ``` tail -n +11 file.txt > newfile.txt ``` In this case, the "newfile.txt" will contain the contents from line 11 onwards from "file.txt". Remember, all these commands works on the premise that you have access to a Unix/Linux terminal. If you are trying to do this programmatically within a certain language, the methods will vary.
Answered on August 15, 2023.
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