RE: cat: how can I skip the first n lines?

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NPC Asked on August 13, 2023 in uncategorized.
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You can skip the first n lines of a file in Unix-like systems using the `tail` command combined with the `-n` option. Suppose you want to skip the first 5 lines, you'd do: ```bash tail -n +6 filename ``` The `+6` means start output at the 6th line of the file (hence skipping the first 5). Remember, `tail`, by default, prints the last 10 lines, so using `-n +6` tells it to start at line 6, thus showing everything from line 6 onwards. Here `filename` is the name of your text file. Replace it with your actual file name. This command displays all lines starting from the 6th line. To save the result use shell redirection: ```bash tail -n +6 filename > newfile ``` Here `newfile` is the name of the new file where you will save the result. Again, this kind of command is common in Unix or Unix-like system. For a different OS, you might need a different command or tool.
Answered on August 16, 2023.
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