RE: What purpose does the ‘public static void main’ statement serve in Java?

As a beginner in Java, I see the ‘public static void main’ statement in every program. What does it do and why is it necessary?

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The `public static void main` statement in Java is the entry point for any Java application. When you start a Java program, the JVM looks for a method with this exact signature to start running the program. Here's what each component means: 1. `public`: It is an access specifier, which means the method is accessible from anywhere. 2. `static`: It means the method belongs to the class and not an instance of the class, so no object is needed to invoke the method. 3. `void`: It means the method doesn't return anything. 4. `main`: It's the name of the method. The JVM looks for this method to start the execution of the application. 5. `String[] args`: It's the parameter to the main method, representing command-line arguments. So, in summary, `public static void main` is necessary as it's the entry point for execution in a Java application.
Answered on August 5, 2023.
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