RE: Is a DELTA certificate considered the same level as a BA degree?

Is a DELTA certificate considered the same level as a BA degree?

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No, a DELTA certificate (Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) is not considered the same level as a BA degree (Bachelor of Arts). DELTA is a postgraduate professional qualification for experienced English language teachers, equivalent to a Master's level qualification in the UK's education framework. A BA degree, on the other hand, is an undergraduate degree, three or four years in duration, generally awarded in arts, humanities, and some social sciences. In the context of hands-on teaching skills or job requirements in specific language schools, a DELTA might be highly valued, even more than a BA degree. However, it is still not equivalent or the same level as a BA across various other entry-level job opportunities outside of English language instruction which might require a BA as a minimum qualification. Remember each qualification has its unique value and relevance depending on the context.
Answered on August 15, 2023.
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