RE: Is a DELTA certificate considered the same level as a BA degree?

Is a DELTA certificate considered the same level as a BA degree?

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No, a DELTA (Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certificate and a BA (Bachelor of Arts) degree are not considered at the same level. A DELTA certificate is considered to be a professional English language teaching qualification, and is one level below a Master's degree on the UK's National Qualifications Framework (NQF). On the other hand, a BA degree is an undergraduate academic degree awarded for a course or program usually in the arts and social sciences. They have different purposes and targets: A BA degree is usually broader and provides a wider scope of knowledge, while a DELTA certificate is more specific, focusing on teaching English to speakers of other languages. It essentially depends on what the individual is looking to achieve.
Answered on August 16, 2023.
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