RE: How to undo the last commit in Git?
I mistakenly committed some changes that were not ready. Is there a way I can undo the last commit in Git? I would appreciate a detailed guide on how to do this.
Yes, you certainly can undo the last commit in Git. Here are a few approaches you can take.
Approach 1: If you want to keep your changes
If you want to keep your changes (i.e., the changes will be kept on your disk but are not committed), you can use:
git reset --soft HEAD^
In this case, the changes will be kept in your working directory, and they'll appear as "Changes not staged for commit."
Approach 2: If you do not want to keep your changes
If you do not want to keep your changes (i.e., the changes will be discarded completely), you can use:
git reset --hard HEAD^
This command will permanently remove the last commit.
Please note that in both cases, `HEAD^` refers to the commit before the current HEAD (i.e., the previous commit).
Approach 3: If you committed on the wrong branch
If you committed on the wrong branch and you want to move commits to the correct branch, you will need a slightly different process. Here is what you can do:
# Checkout to the correct branch
git checkout name-of-the-correct-branch
# Cherrypick the commit to the new branch
git cherry-pick HASH-OF-THE-COMMIT
# Go back to the wrong branch
git checkout name-of-the-wrong-branch
# Remove the last commit
git reset --hard HEAD^
These commands will allow you to transfer the commit from the wrong branch to the correct one.
Always remember to be extremely careful when using `git reset --hard HEAD^` because it will permanently discard the last commit.
I hope these instructions were clear enough. If you have any more questions, don’t hesitate to ask.