RE: Who shot first: Han Solo or Greedo in Star Wars: A New Hope?
There seems to be a lot of debate on the "Han shot first" controversy. Can someone clarify what happens in the different versions of Star Wars: A New Hope regarding the scene with Han Solo and Greedo?
The "Han shot first" debate is a long-standing argument among Star Wars fans that centers on a scene in the 1977 film "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope," involving characters Han Solo (played by Harrison Ford) and Greedo (played by Paul Blake), a bounty hunter.
In the original 1977 theatrical release, the scene in question occurs in the Mos Eisley Cantina. In this version, as the conversation between Han and Greedo escalates, Han appears to shoot Greedo under the table without any return fire from Greedo. This scene established Han Solo's character as a rogue who is not afraid to take action to preserve his own life.
However, the controversy began with the release of the Special Edition of "A New Hope" in 1997, when George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, made several changes to the original trilogy. In this updated version, digital effects were added to make it appear that Greedo shoots at Han first, missing at close range, and then Han returns fire, killing Greedo. This change sparked a debate because many fans believed altering the scene compromised Han Solo's character development, making him appear more reactionary rather than the initiative-taking, quick-to-act smuggler he was originally portrayed as.
The controversy has persisted over the years, with additional changes in subsequent releases. Lucas further edited the scene for the 2004 DVD release, reducing the time between Greedo and Han's shots, making it more of a simultaneous exchange.
In the most recent release on Disney+, the scene was tweaked yet again with minor changes to the timing and the addition of a previously unheard line by Greedo, further fueling discussions around the scene.
In summary, in the 1977 original version of "A New Hope," Han shoots first. In the 1997 Special Edition and subsequent versions, Greedo shoots first or simultaneously with Han. The phrase "Han shot first" has become a slogan among fans advocating for the preservation of the film’s original content, as it reflects a key aspect of Han Solo's character in their view. The debate over who shot first is emblematic of larger discussions about changes to classic films and the preservation of their original elements.