RE: What technology is used in the “Nosedive” episode of Black Mirror?

In the "Nosedive" episode, characters seem to constantly rate one another. What kind of technology facilitates this social rating system, and how does it impact society in the show?

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The "Nosedive" episode of "Black Mirror" is a dystopian take on a society that has taken social media to the extreme. While the episode is a work of fiction, it uses technology that extrapolates from current trends in social networking, smartphones, and augmented reality. In the show, the characters use a ubiquitous technology, typically accessed through their mobile devices and specially-designed contact lenses, which allows them to instantly rate each interaction they have with one another on a scale from one to five stars. These ratings are accumulated to form an overall social score that affects every aspect of their lives, from their socioeconomic status to their eligibility for certain services or privileges. The technology portrayed combines aspects of: 1. Social Media Platforms: These platforms monitor and record interactions, much like today's social media does with likes, comments, and shares. However, in "Nosedive," this concept is taken to the absolute personal level. 2. Augmented Reality (AR): The contact lenses that characters wear show the ratings above people's heads, similar to visual overlays in augmented reality technologies. Today, devices like Google Glass or various AR apps on smartphones provide primitive versions of this capability, overlaying digital information onto the real world. 3. Gamification: It applies game-design elements and game principles into non-game contexts. In this episode, the rating system turns social interactions into a competitive game where higher scores unlock higher social status and benefits. 4. Big Data Analytics and AI: The technology likely involves complex algorithms and artificial intelligence to process the vast amounts of rating data and to dynamically update each individual’s score based on every interaction. The impact on society depicted in the show is severe. The incessant quest for a higher rating drives people to inauthentic behaviors, and the societal structure rewards those with high ratings with access to exclusive residential areas, premium services, and societal approval. Conversely, lower-rated individuals face discrimination and exclusion from many aspects of society. This system creates a culture of superficiality, where people are pressured to be overly pleasant and are constantly anxious about how every interaction might affect their ratings. The episode is a sobering commentary on the potential pitfalls of letting our digital personae and the judgments of others dictate real-world success and personal worth. While the technology in "Nosedive" is not explicitly based on any one existing system, the episode serves as an allegorical warning about the potential trajectory of social media's influence on our lives.
Answered on August 24, 2024.
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