RE: How do I complete the “Paladin’s Epic Mount” questline in World of Warcraft Classic?

What are the steps and requirements to successfully complete the Paladin's Epic Mount questline in World of Warcraft Classic?

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Completing the Paladin's Epic Mount questline in World of Warcraft Classic is a challenging but rewarding process. This questline is exclusive to Paladin characters of level 60 and allows them to obtain a class-specific mount, which is the Charger. Here is a general guide to help you through the questline. Please note that World of Warcraft Classic might undergo updates that can change gameplay aspects; however, this is the procedure as of my last update: **Preparation:** 1. **Reach Level 60**: You must be level 60 to begin this questline. 2. **Gather Gold**: The questline requires a significant amount of gold to purchase materials and pay for services. 3. **Increase Reputation**: Ensure your reputation with your faction (Stormwind for Alliance Humans, Ironforge for Alliance Dwarves) is at least Honored. **Questline Steps:** 1. **An Introduction** - **Quest Giver**: Start by talking to your Paladin trainer, who will direct you to the NPC that begins the quest. - **Horde**: Speak with Master Pyreanor in Orgrimmar. - **Alliance**: Speak with Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker in Stormwind. 2. **Seeking the Right Path** - Perform the task assigned, which usually involves traveling to an outdoor altar and praying to receive a vision. 3. **Collection of Materials** - You'll need to provide or pay for various materials, which may include: - Arcanite Bars - Stratholme Holy Water - A Pristine Black Diamond - Elixirs 4. **The Balance of Light and Shadow** - This quest is given by Eris Havenfire (Alliance) or Solenor the Slayer (Horde) and is known to be particularly challenging. - You must heal a number of peasants while avoiding several waves of enemies. - Success requires good preparation, timing, and possibly the help of a few friends to ward off the attackers. 5. **Exorcising Terrordale** - In this stage, you need to cleanse the spirits in a specific area. 6. **Stones of Binding** - You're tasked with gathering several stones from around the world. 7. **The Work of Grimand Elmore** - Visit Grimand Elmore in Stormwind (Alliance) to have him craft a barding for your Charger mount. 8. **Ancient Equine Spirit** - You need to find this spirit in Dire Maul, which requires you to defeat a challenging boss. 9. **Blessed Arcanite Barding** - The barding you received must now be blessed by an appropriate NPC. 10. **The Divination Scryer** - Craft a scryer and use it within a demon-infested area to summon a certain boss. 11. **Judgment and Redemption** - You'll be sent on a mission to use the items and skills you've gathered to summon and defeat a Death Knight riding his own epic mount. This boss drops a necessary item for your epic mount. - Defeat the boss, and return the items to your quest giver. 12. **Final Steps** - After returning the quest items, you'll finally receive the summons and materials to complete a ritual. - Complete the ritual, and you'll receive your epic Charger mount! It's important to keep in mind that while this questline is expensive, it can be somewhat cheaper than buying a regular epic mount due to the materials and gold required being part of the quest's challenge. Remember to prepare yourself for each stage of the questline. It may require specific consumables, friends to assist you, and a lot of patience. Upon completion, not only will you have a mount that few others possess, but you'll also have the satisfaction of completing one of the original epic class quests in World of Warcraft.
Answered on July 15, 2024.
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